Safety Data Sheets for Chemical Products
It is recommended to toggle all of the SDS Settings to Yes in order to enable the best performance of the Chemical Center. Go to Settings > SDS Settings; toggle all to Yes.
Expand the Chemicals area in the left side of the dashboard and select Product List.
When viewing the Product List, click the ellipses ("three dots") next to the appropriate product.
There are two ways you can add a Safety Data Sheet for the product from here:
- Click View and then Add under the Safety Data Sheets section.
- Or, still in the ellipses, select +SDS
Click Choose File; locate and select the safety data sheet on your device to upload. Enter the details of the safety data sheet (additional information for the entry fields can be viewed by clicking the blue (i) icon next to the field name.)
- Set Include in Binder is to Yes if the sheet will be added to an SDS Binder.
- In order for products to show up in the SDS Center link, Include in Binder has to be toggled to Yes, and a location and work area need to be designated. (See Locations and Work Areas for information on adding these.)
If you attach your own SDS to the product instead of J. J. Keller sourcing it, it will not be monitored for updates.
Once a safety data sheet has been added for a product, it can be viewed by Viewing the product and clicking more on the right side to expand the safety data sheet area.
If sufficient progress has not been made in sourcing your SDSs, please download this SDS Authorization Letter, add your company info, and send it to or your Implementation Specialist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the most recent/newest SDS automatically marked as the primary?
- If the setting is toggled for this, yes. This can be turned on in SMS under your initials > SDS Settings.
Why are there several SDSs attached to a product in some instances?
- A user will always get all versions associated. If you don’t want to see one of them, keep the toggle turned off to "No" for "include in binder" and "primary".
Can old versions be removed at all and have only the most recent listed?
- No, old versions cannot be removed and the list cannot show only the most recent version.
Are the Manufacturer Part Numbers pulled from the SDS?
- Yes, the manufacturer part numbers are pulled from the SDS.