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J. J. Keller Support Center





Add New Location

From the Company Data page, click Locations.




To add a new location, click Add New.



Enter in details of the location. The fields denoted by a red asterisk (*) are required.


The Location Identifier field is used for Form 300 incident record numbering.  For example, if your location name is Chicago, you might use CHI as your location identifier.


Your NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code is entered using a wizard.  Select the option that applies to you to enter your NAICS code to the system.


Click Save at the bottom when all necessary information has been entered. The new location will be shown on the locations page.  Click Add New to add another location.  Continue this process until all locations have been added.


Inactivate/Delete a Location

If you need to make a Location inactive, click Make Inactive underneath the name of the location.



If there are no records associated with that Location, you can delete the location by clicking the three dots. Then, click Delete.


Note: If there are records associated with the Location, you will not be able to delete the location, as shown below. Instead, you can mark it "inactive".


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