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J. J. Keller Support Center

Notifications and Subscribers

Notifications via email and/or SMS can be sent to subscribers for specific camera events within the VideoProtects portal. Below will walk through how to set up subscribers and notifications.


Note: Changing these notification settings, will not turn on/off the events on the camera. Not all events and/or triggers are automatically turned on; should you want to learn about additional events, please contact

Go to Settings> Notifications.


Notifications Page Basics

The Notifications page displays all possible events to be notified for. 


The toggles allow you to turn notifications on/off for that specific event. 


Add Subscribers

To add subscribers for specific events, click the Manage Subscribers button located in the top right.


Then, click Add Subscriber locate in the top right of the subsequent page.


  1. Enter the subscriber's Name/Email Address/Phone number.
  2. In the Subscribe To drop-down, check the box next which event notifications the user should be subscribed to. Click Apply to save your selections.
  3. Check the box next to Email and/or SMS/Text to determine where to send the notifications.



When finished, click Add. Now, the Subscriber roster will display how many events they are subscribed to be notified upon.


What the Subscriber Will See When Notified

When notified of an event occurrence, the notification will be sent to the list of subscribers at their designated preferred delivery method. Below are examples of what the subscriber will see.

Email Delivery




SMS (Text) Delivery



Edit a Subscriber

To edit a subscriber's details, click the ellipsis next to their name. Then select Edit Subscriber.


Make any necessary updates and Save.


Deactivate a Subscriber

Deactivating a subscriber will pause all notifications until they are marked active again. It will not delete the subscriber's information. When you click Edit Subscriber, check the Deactivate box. Save.



Delete a Subscriber

To delete a subscriber, click the ellipsis next to their name. Then select Delete Subscriber.


Confirm your decision to delete the subscriber from the system.


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