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J. J. Keller Support Center

Logging In

Logging into Encompass® ELD on a smart device is required of a driver each day to capture his/her hours of duty as recorded by the ELD. 

Logging into Encompass® ELD

Launch the Encompass® ELD application on your smart device. For information on downloading the app, see these documents for Android™ or iPhone®/iPad®.


An end user agreement will appear every time until Accept is selected.
A safety warning will appear every time. Read it and tap OK


Enter your Username and Password. These are given to you by your Encompass administrator. Then select the appropriate Login status.

iOS Android
ios login.png  


The Check Hours button allows a driver to view their available hours without going through the full start-of-day process.

If Connect to ELD Hardware is toggled upon login, the mobile application will begin connecting to the ELD.  See Connecting to the ELD (Android™) or Connecting to the ELD (iPhone®/iPad®).


If you are logging in for the first time since installing the app on your device, you will enter in your company's Fleet ID (previously known as Activation Code).

iOS Android
first time login fleet id.png clipboard_eea3cb8257e46b44e347d3e9fc64a7637.png
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