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J. J. Keller Support Center

Driver History


Driver History

For more information on Vehicle History, see this page: Tracking Vehicles in Encompass

Click History next to a driver to view their specific gps history.



The history map will provide detail for one unit at a time. This map will show 25 bread crumb points (contingent on network connection) during the timeframe specified in the green box in the image below.  This can be adjusted by changing the "From" and "To" date and time and selecting the time between points.


Additionally, their hours of service information will be displayed at the top as shown in the red box in the image below.  Make note of the detail to the left of the driver's name as it provides when the information was last updated.  The hours of service information may not be current to that exact minute but is meant to give a general idea.


In addition to the bread crumb points, a linear representation will display on the map on the right providing more detail of the route taken by the driver.


Note: There may be bread crumb points that do not have driver information associated with them.  This is due to certain GPS pings that are not associated with a driver that will display in this detail, such as fuel tax pings, which will not have a driver name listed.




Additionally, driver history can be exported to Excel by selecting Export to Excel above the bread crumb trail.


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