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J. J. Keller Support Center

New Encompass Reports: Definitions

To access reports, go to Drivers > Reports or Vehicles > Reports, depending on what kind of report you are looking for. Click on the (i) icon next to a report title to learn what the report will provide. The definitions of each report are also listed below (use the Table of Contents to jump to a specific category).

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Driver Report Definitions

Employee & Company

Checklist Item per Job Class Report

Provides a list of Job Classes, the locations they are associated with, and whether or not they are enabled.

Company Rules Report

Provides the rule information for each location.

Mobile App Activation Codes Report

Provides the Encompass ELD Activation Codes for each location.

Employee Information Details Report

Provides basic data about employees, including their license information and driver qualification status.

Employee Rules Report

Provides each employee's rule information. It also provides options to simply list employees that are bound to Company rules or Employee rules.

Employee Notes Report

Provides each employee's notes that are contained in their Employee file.

User Last Login Report

Provides the most recent Encompass user logins in your login company and below.

User Permissions Report

Provides a list of all permissions assigned to users within the company.


Alcohol & Drug

Alcohol & Drug Summary Report

Provides a count of Employees, Tests, and Attachments for each Alcohol and Drug test type, sample type, and result.
Employee Alcohol Tests Report

Provides results for employee alcohol tests.
Employee Drug Tests Report 

Provides results for employee drug tests.

US DOT DnA Testing MIS

U.S. Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection Form. Company collected data on drug and alcohol testing generated throughout the year by the company's testing program. Required for MIS submissions starting CY2004 documenting the previous year's data.



Training Summary Report 

Provides the counts of trainings completed compared to the number of eligible employees for the training and provides a percentage of completed trainings, by location.
Employee Training Report

Provides a list of all trainings for each employee, including the last completed date and next due date.


Roadside Inspections

Employee Roadside Inspection Report

Provides the list of Roadside Inspections entered for the employee over the last 5 years. This is not CSA data (that is in another area of the system). These are manually entered inspections.


Driver Qualification

Driver Qualification Summary Report

Provides a count of drivers qualified and not qualified in each location.
Driver Qualification Report

Provides a list of drivers, their qualification status, and the count of incomplete items(if applicable).
Driver Qualification Detail Report

Provides the driver qualification checklist information for each driver.
Driver License, Endorsement, and Equipment Report

Provides license information, endorsements, equipment, and qualification status.
Driver Prequalification Status Report

Provides the list of all Prequalification Checklist items for each driver and indicates their completion status.
Driver Maintenance Status Report

Provides the status of all Maintenance Checklist items for each driver.
Expiration Report

Provides a list of Maintenance items based on the due date using "Today" as the base date and marking those items past due, due in 30 Days, or due in 60 Days.
Expiration Notice

After selecting the criteria the notice needs to be generated for, this provides a notification document to advise of driver qualification maintenance items that are past due or coming due.

Note: The "Primary Contact" field is determined by the contact information entered for the Company Level you ran the report from.

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Accident & Incident

Accident Detail Report

Provides a list of accident details.
Motor Vehicle Accident Register

Provides a list of all DOT Reportable accidents. For active drivers, all accidents are listed. For terminated drivers, only those accidents where the accident date is less than or equal to the DOT accident retention date will be listed.


Hours of Service

Hours of Service Violations Summary Report

Provides a count of each hours of service violation per location.
Compliance Notification (Print Version)

Provides a print of specified driver compliance notices showing the day and time any violations occurred. Prints the drivers with or without rule violations.
Dispatch Recap

Lists the hours worked and hours available within a date range for an employee.
ELD Mapping Data

Provides ELD GPS and Engine data for the previous 24 hours.
ELD Output File by Employee

Send files to FMCSA for an onsite compliance review (audit) by FMCSA.
ELD Output File by Vehicle

Send files to FMCSA for an onsite compliance review (audit) by FMCSA.
Employee Falsifications Report

Provides a list of any log falsifications and the reasons for them.
Employee Hours of Service Summary Report

Provides a 'rolled-up' view of logs for drivers. More granular details of the events can be found in the Employee Log or Employee Log Events reports.
Employee Log Report

Provides a print of the employee log.
Employee Log Events Report

Provides a list of all ELD events.
Employee Supporting Documents Report

Provides a list of all supporting document information used in falsification checking.
Employee Violations Report

Provides a list of all violations for drivers.

Time In/Time Out Report

Provides time in and time out details for each driver.


Vehicle Report Definitions

Unit & Company

Company Pre-Service & Renewable Items Report

Provides a list of Unit Types, their associated Vehicle Types, the locations they are associated with, and whether or not they are enabled.

Inner Geofence Unit Activity Report

Grouped by Geo-Fence, this report provides the distance traveled and time spent per vehicle within the individual geo-fence(s).
Unit Information Report

Provides a list of all units, their associated descriptive data, and their qualification status.
Unit Rules Report

Provides a list of all units in which their rules differ from the company rules. This occurs when the rule information is changed at the unit level, as opposed to changing all units at the company level.


Fuel Tax

Fuel Listing Report

Based on criteria selected, provides a list of all fuel line details, such as price and receipt number, for each unit.

IFTA Audit Report

Provides individual trip information by vehicle for IFTA reportable vehicles.

IFTA Form Worksheet (Previously called "IFTA Tax Report")

Takes miles and gallons and calculates tax (credit) due as an estimate.

IRP Mileage Report

Summarizes the distances traveled in each jurisdiction. This information is needed to complete your International Registration Plan(IRP) Schedule B.

Mileage Form Worksheet - CT

Takes mileage and gallons for the specified time criteria (last three months by default) to help estimate Connecticut mileage tax payments.

Mileage Form Worksheet - KY

Takes mileage and gallons for the specified time criteria (last three months by default) to help estimate Kentucky mileage tax payments.

Mileage Form Worksheet - NM

Takes mileage and gallons for the specified time criteria (last three months by default) to help estimate New Mexico mileage tax payments.

Mileage Form Worksheet - NY

Takes mileage and gallons for the specified time criteria (last three months by default) to help estimate New York mileage tax payments.

Mileage Form Worksheet - OR

Takes mileage and gallons for the specified time criteria (last three months by default) to help estimate Oregon mileage tax payments.

State & Province Tax Report

This report calculates the fuel and/or mileage taxes that are due for the jurisdictions according to the sort and selection options you have chosen.

Trip Information Report

Based on criteria selected, provides details of all fuel tax trips in the system.

Unit Mileage Report

Summarizes the total distance and fuel purchase information, and calculates the miles per gallon or kilometers per liter for the unit.
Unit Trip Report

Provides a 'rolled-up' view of the trips in the system. For more granular data, use the Unit Trip Line Data or Unit Trip Line with Fuel Records reports.
Unit Trip Line Report

Provides data for the individual trip lines in their corresponding trips. For a higher level overview, use the Unit Trip report.
Unit Trip Line & Fuel Report

Provides fuel data for the individual trip lines for their corresponding trips. For a higher level overview, use the Unit Trip or Unit Trip Line reports.



Repair Order Summary Report

Provides a summarization of counts and costs of repair orders.
DVIR Summary Report

Provides counts for DVIR defects, including counts of out of service defects.

Mechanics Recap Report

Provides repair order detail by mechanic.
Unit Cost Usage Data

Provides a list of fuel and oil receipts entered in the Fuel Tax or Unit Maintenance areas.
Unit DVIRs Report

Provides a list of DVIRs and defects for all units.
Unit DVIRs with Defects Report

Provides a list of DVIRs reporting defects only, for all units. To view all DVIRs, use the Unit DVIRs report.
Unit Repair Order Report

Provides a list of repair orders and their corresponding details.


Unit Service

Unit Pre-Service Report

Provides a list of the pre-service items per unit and their statuses.

Unit Renewable Items Report

Provides a list of all renewable items for units with their statuses, last completed, and due dates.
Unit Qualification Report

Provides a list of all units, their qualification status, and, if not qualified, the number of outstanding items for qualification.
Unit Inspections Report

Provides a list and details of all inspections entered in the Unit Service area.
Unit Out of Service Report

Provides a list of units that have been deemed "Out of Service" based on data entered in the Unit Service area. Also provides information regarding the unit being brought into service.

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