Tire Information
To add Tire Information, go to Vehicle Maintenance > Unit Maintenance. On the left side under Common Tasks, click Add Tire.
Enter a unique Tire Code (30 characters or less). The remaining fields are optional, but it is recommended to enter the Serial Number. Click Save.
Tire Manufacturer dropdown options can be added to your company site by going to Setup > Maintain Unit Maintenance Info > Tire Manufacturer and entering information there. Once Manufacturers are added, those options will be available in the Manufacturer dropdown for adding a tire.
To view the tire information, from the Unit Maintenance tab, click All Active Tires.
Click on the Tire Code of the desired tire.
To edit the information about the tire, click Edit... next to Tire Summary.
Tire History allows to add action information for the tire. If tire actions were recorded on a Repair Order, those actions can be changed by editing the repair order or by clicking the edit link next to the action. Once the information is entered/edited for the action, click Save.