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J. J. Keller Support Center

Compliance Network Progressive Web App

A progressive web app is, essentially, a website built to look and function like a native application. After installing the app, you can open and navigate Compliance Network just as if it were any other application on your desktop or mobile device.


To install the Compliance Network app, go to the J.J. Keller® Compliance Network website. Then, click the App Installation icon that displays in the web address bar. This may look a little different based on the browser you are using. (ie. Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome)


Microsoft Edge



Google Chrome



Then, click Install in the pop-up window.


The site will then open in the app interface. You may be prompted with the option to pin the app to your taskbar and/or start menu, create a desktop shortcut, and auto-start the app on device login.


If you create a Desktop shortcut, you’ll find the Compliance Network icon on your desktop. Double-click to open the site directly from here. A notification bubble will appear on this icon whenever you have new content to see.

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