Location Import Instructions Document
Location Status | Yes | 8 | Enter Active or Inactive |
Location Name |
Yes |
100 |
Enter a name for the Location. |
Location Identifier |
Yes |
30 |
Enter a short value that may be an abbreviation of the Location Name. |
Address 1 |
Yes |
100 |
Address of the Location. |
Address 2 |
No |
100 |
Additional address field for Location. |
City |
Yes |
50 |
City of the Location |
State/Province |
Yes |
50 |
Enter the state/ province of the Location. Can be two letter abbreviation or the full name of the state/province. Must match an existing state in SMS's database. |
Country |
Yes |
50 |
Enter the country of the Location. Can use full name or 2 letter abbreviation. Must match an existing country in SMS’s database. |
Zip/Postal Code |
Yes |
15 |
Enter the zip/postal code of the Location. |
County |
No |
Enter the county of the Location. Must match county name with “County” after (i.e., “Adams County”, not “Adams”). |
No |
6 |
6-digit NAICS code. |
Nature of Business |
No |
50 |
Describing text around the nature of the business conducted at this Location. |
No |
50 |
Location’s FEIN/Tax ID. |
Short-Term Location | Yes | 1 | Enter Y (for yes) or N (for no) |
Establishment Type | No | 1 |
Enter a numeric value 1, 2, or 3. The numbers are defined as: