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J. J. Keller Support Center

Leave Manager Dashboard

The FMLA Manager Dashboard provides news articles, interactive charts, action items, and more for a quick overview of your employees' leave.

Stay In The Know

Log in daily to check for updates regarding employee leave and the FMLA Manager application.

  • Identify unread items with those marked as NEW.
  • Find the News Archive by clicking View All.
  • Click on a card to open the article.


Leave Analytics

Interactive Charts

The interactive charts show metrics for Approved/Open case statuses, Continuous/Intermittent statuses, and total leave cases by department. Click on a specific chart to view more details or to print/export the data.




Action Items

Action Items call attention to upcoming deadlines, helping you stay on top of your caseload. This information will sync with the leave Notification tab. Intermittent leave and cases entered through the Employee Portal are also identifiable. Click on the employee name to open the leave details.



Scheduled Leave

When you oversee leave cases, the Scheduled Leave grid provides a clear overview of employees on leave for the current week, the upcoming week, and the week after. This view helps you identify possible gaps in the workforce. By clicking on individual cases, you can access detailed information, including intermittent leave, and requests initiated by employees. You can also export the grid for external use.


Employee Center

The Employee Center empowers you to manage leave requests initiated by your employees. In the Resource Center, you'll find simple step-by-step instructions to facilitate employee-administrator interactions for tracking time off. Additionally, you can track employee engagement in the Leave Initiated By chart.


Expert Help

If you have questions about safety and compliance, the J.J. Keller Expert Help is there for you. The dedicated product and regulatory experts are available through this secure, private portal to provide answers. 


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