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J. J. Keller Support Center

Adding a Leave Request

This article will walk you through adding a leave request. Use the links below to jump to a specific topic.

Add the Request | Schedule Leave | Forms | Notifications | Attachments | Messages

Adding a Leave Request

After you have set up Locations, Employees, and Parameters, you can begin entering leave requests. Select the Leave Requests tab. Then, click +New Leave Request.



Search for/select the desired employee. (Add the employee here if needed.)


Determine a Case Number.


You will then be guided through the six-step process of creating a leave request. The program will stop you along the way if something is missing or done incorrectly. The six-steps include:

  • Leave Reason
  • Eligibility
  • Entitlement
  • Certification
  • Administrative
  • Status



Step 1: Leave Reason

  • Select the correct federal and state leave reason. If a federal or state leave reason is not applicable, you will need to select that option, as well. You can also select any additional programs that you may have added into the system.
  • There are Notes sections throughout the program. This is for internal use only. You do have the capability to run a report on notes per employee.



Step 2: Eligibility

  • Enter the date the request was submitted. You can backdate the leave request if necessary.
  • Enter in the average number of hours the employee works per week.
  • You will then be asked the 12-week requirement questions, along with the state and additional program requirement questions. If you answer "No" to any of the requirements, the system will flag it immediately, letting you know the employee doesn’t qualify based on the criteria. You can also track anyone who is denied leave.



Step 3: Entitlement

  • This tab provides information on what the employee is eligible for under each leave program being tracked. If they have taken leave previously this year you will see exactly what is available as of the current date.



Step 4: Certification

  • Select whether certification is required. If yes, the system will then prompt you to fill in dates and will have you select at least one item in the certification required box.
  • Enter the main contact that documented the need for leave (i.e. healthcare provider). This is not a required field.
  • Select whether recertification is required and, if applicable, include the frequency.



Step 5: Administrative

  • Select applicable boxes for the health insurance and substitution of paid leave.
  • The contact information will auto-fill from the Parameters section.
  • Answer whether the employee is a key employee or not.



Step 6: Status

  • The drop-down provides several status options, which can be changed at any time. (Reports can be run on Leave Status).
    • Open - You have started a request but have not approved it. It will allow you to select what additional information is still needed.
    • Approved/Open – Employee is using leave time
    • Approved/Closed – Employee has returned to work, exhausted leave, the employee was terminated, or certification not renewed.
    • Denied – Provide reason for denial



You can then choose to Finish the Leave Request, or you can Schedule Leave. (To Schedule Leavee at a later time, simply go into the specific Leave Request and select the Schedule Leave tab.)


Scheduling Leave

Scheduling Leave is a two-step process.


Step 1: Enter dates to apply leave

  • If applicable, Flag leave as Intermittent. Then, select dates on the calendar.
  • Or, select a date range for leave if the employee will be gone on a continuous basis (Modify dates on the calendar as necessary).

Tip: Quickly schedule leave for a Monday-Friday employee by selecting a Standard Work Schedule, which blocks weekends, entering the start and end date in the date range fields, and then apply to Calendar.


When finished, click Continue.



Step 2: Enter amount of time for each day

  • Enter the amount of time the employee was gone for each date. If the amount of time for each date is the same, enter that number in the top box and hit Calculate to apply the same number of hours into each box giving you a running total of availability.
  • If the time is different each day you can click in each box to enter the time. The program will track down to the minute for you.



When you are finished, select Generate Forms to go to the Forms section, which will allow you to print forms, or Save & Edit Later to save your work and return to the leave request list.



The Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities Form and Designation Notice Form will auto-fill based on completing the steps in the process. You also have access to multiple Certification forms. Click Generate Form(s) when you are finished. They will be downloaded to your device.



Leave Manager populates the Notifications page with the dates you have entered in the FMLA process. Below is an example of the Notifications page, along with a table that identifies where the dates originate.


  Populated By:


Eligibility Tab – Date request is submitted
2 Schedule Leave Tab – The 1st day of leave input into the calendar.

Eligibility Tab – Saving this page will enable the Eligibility & Rights Notice card.

  • The date the Eligibility notice is due is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The date the Eligibility notice is received is a manual entry here on the notifications tab

Eligibility Tab – Saving this page will enable the Designation Notice card.

  • The date the Designation notice is due is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The date the Designation notice is received is a manual entry here on the notifications ta

Certification Tab – Saving the certification selections will enable the Certification card.

  • The certification request date is entered in the leave request process and appears here on the notifications tab.
  • The certification due date is entered in the leave request process and appears here on the notifications tab.
  • The certification received date is entered in the leave request process and appears here on the notifications tab

Administrative Tab – Saving “will be requested to provide periodic reports” will enable the Recertification card.

  • The recertification request date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The recertification due date is manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The recertification received date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab

Status Tab – Status is Open (O). Saving the 2nd opinion selection will enable the 2nd opinion card.

  • The 2nd opinion request date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The 2nd opinion due date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The 2nd opinion received date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.

Status Tab – Status is Open (O). Saving the 3rd opinion selection will enable the 3rd opinion card.

  • The 3rd opinion request date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The 3rd opinion due date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The 3rd opinion received date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.

Status Tab – Status is Approved/Open (A/O). Saving “will” be required will enable the fitness-for-duty card.

  • The fitness-for-duty due date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab.
  • The fitness-for-duty received date is a manual entry here on the notifications tab

Status Tab – Status is Approved/Closed (A/C). Saving the returned to work selection will enable the return to work card.

  • The returned to work date is entered on the status tab and appears here on the notifications tab

Status Tab – Status is Open (O). Saving the “information is needed" selection will enable the additional information card.

  • The requested date will populate the day the user checks  the below option on the status tab
    • The certification provided is insufficient to determine whether the FMLA applies to your leave request. “Insufficient” means the information provided is vague, unclear, ambiguous or non-responsive.
  • The Due date will also populate from the status tab below field
    • The employee must provide the requested information no later than
  • The received date will be entered by user on the notifications tab
  • Any of the fields can be edited.

Notifications Tab – Reasons and custom dates are saved on the notifications tab.

  • Dates are manual entries here on the notifications tab.


Set Up Email/Calendar Notifications

You can set up email notifications or calendar appointments to notify you of critical due dates. You can also manage custom dates and notifications.

Click the “edit” button next to the notification you would like to set up.


Check the “Send Notification” box. Then, choose how you would like to receive your notification.


Eligibility Notices

When viewing the leave request, select the Notifications tab. Select Edit in the Eligibility Notice box.


Choose a date for when the eligibility notice is due, and check the box to Send Notification for Eligibility Notice Due. This will expand for additional information to be entered. Enter where the notification should be sent and set the frequency in which the notifications are sent. Click Save.



Upload any relevant documents for this leave request. Uploads are per employee, per case/leave reason.



Messages regarding Leave Requests can be sent to employees that have an Employee Center account. To send a new message, click +Send Message.


Enter a subject and your message. Send when finished.


A running list of messages will display in the Messages tab.


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