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J. J. Keller Support Center

Driver Equipment Information


Driver Equipment Information tracks the driver's authority, dispatch range, and the types of equipment the driver is allowed to operate - e.g., powered and towed units.

It should be mentioned that the values here are setup by an Administrator via Settings in the Driver Qualification section of the Lookups box.


This Driver Equipment area can be really helpful to dispatchers and operations. When each driver has this information entered, the Employee Authorization Information report can be run to help dispatchers find drivers with specific skills and capabilities quickly.


Driver Equipment Information is located in the Driver Qualification tab in the Employee view.



Click Edit in the Driver Equipment box to make any changes.



Select the necessary information:

  1. Authority - Interstate vs. Intrastate
  2. Dispatch Range - 100 Air Mile range, 48 states, 48 States & Canada, etc.
  3. Powered Units - This listing might be setup by vehicle weight and/or type. In the example below, both are included.
  4. Towed Units - This listing might be setup by size or type as well.

Click Save once all necessary items are selected.



The resulting view:
