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J. J. Keller Support Center

Enroll Learners in VR Courses

This guidance pertains to those who utilize the Virtual Reality service. 

TMC admins and/or training coordinators will enroll learners into Virtual Reality courses in Training Management Center (TMC). To begin, go to Catalog > Virtual Reality.


The Virtual Reality Courses page will open. Select a VR course to review the description of the course content.


Click the orange Enroll Learners button to begin selecting learners to enroll into this course.


You are then brought to TMC's enrollment shopping cart. The VR course you were previously viewing will be pre-selected in the shopping cart and will display under the Courses/Curriculums section. To select learners to enroll, click the Learners card or the Add Learners button on the right.


Next select the desired learner/s by checking the box next to their name and Save.


Now, once you have selected the desired learner/s to enroll into the course, you will want to set up notification and due date settings for the course. From the dropdown, select when you want the learner to be notified again that they have a course due soon; select a due date in which the learner should completed the course by; and, if desired, set a minimum passing score. If you would like to allow the learner to print their own completion certificate for this course, check the box next to Allow Certification Printing.


When learners are selected and course settings are determined, the number of enrollments that will be used is indicated in the shopping cart. (All VR courses are one (1) enrollment per learner.) Click Enroll at the bottom to finish enrolling the learner/s in the selected VR course.


Your order confirmation will display.


Now, you will see the enrolled learners in the course's information page.



Enrollment Email to Learners

The learner will receive an email with their Learning Center credentials along with the required, temporary passcode needed to enter the VR course from the headset. The passcode will expire in 24 hours; a new code can be generated by the learner via their Learning Center account, or the Training Coordinator can provide a new code. See Reset VR Passcode for more information.


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