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J. J. Keller Support Center

Encompass Video Dashboard

The Video Dashboard displays a summary of all your fleet’s event activities. Access the Dashboard by going to Video Video Dashboard.


The dashboard defaults to display data from the last 30 days. To change the date range, select different dates using the calendars at the top of the page. (A maximum of 90 days can be selected as the date range from the start to end date.)



Video Status Queue

The Video Status Queue displays the total number of events in each of the process steps for the selected time period. Clicking on a status "tile" will open the Video Events page, pre-filtered to the events in that status that occurred within the timeframe indicated on the Video Dashboard.



Events by Event Score

The Events by Event Score summary shows a circle chart with a legend of how all events were scored for the last 30 days. Event score percentages are calculated using the score applied to each event over the selected time period. Percentages in grey, green, or red indicate the % change from the previous time period for that score. (ie. Last 7 days compared to the 7 days before that period.) If N/A, then the system didn’t find a previous time period equal to the number of days selected in the time range above.


*Dismissed events are not included in these statistics


Driver Ranking

The Driver Ranking summary shows the ranking of the drivers for the selected time period. A driver’s rank is determined by the scored events over the selected time period. Scores are added and/or deducted from the driver’s initial score of 99 to derive their score and place in the driver ranking for the time period selected.


*Dismissed events are not included in these statistics


Event Type Statistics Queue

The Driver Ranking summary shows the ranking of the drivers for the selected time period. A driver’s rank is determined by the scored events over the selected time period. Scores are added and/or deducted from the driver’s initial score of 99 to derive their score and place in the driver ranking for the time period selected.


*Dismissed events are not included in these statistics


Why is the Dashboard showing "Unknown Driver?"

Events that do not have a driver assigned will be displayed as “Unknown Driver” in the Driver Ranking and Event Type Statistics Queue sections of the Dashboard.  Manually updating the Driver field for an event on the Video Event Details page by clicking the pencil icon will update the driver data on the Dashboard to be reflected under that driver.


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