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J. J. Keller Support Center

Encompass Release (10/09/2024)

Area Description Reference ID

Previously the Classic Report names were provided next to the New UI Report names to help users with the transition

from the old to new interface.  As most customers have transitioned, the old report names have been replaced with report

descriptions and an option to show or not show the descriptions.


A problem was found and corrected the caused the total time to the right of the log grid to display in total minutes instead

of each status in hh:mm:ss.


In this case, a validation of the applicant is performed and the user is given an error message, “Applicant must be in a

ready to hire state before hiring, please review the application process and complete any missed steps.”  The user is now

given 2 buttons – 1. “OK – Thanks” closes the modal and takes them back to the previous page.  2. “Go to Applicant” –

Takes the user to the applicant process tab for the applicant.


Corrected the poor messaging of the 500 error.  Any time a PM references a Repair Order and a user attempts to delete

it, the user is given a message, “Deleting Unit Preventative Maintenance information has failed.  Value is in use by a

Repair Order Detail and can’t be deleted.”

Compliance Notice

The settings page Compliance Notice label for Employees Without Violations was corrected to state Compliance Notice

for Employees without Violations in the Modal.

Previous Employer

In the “Reason for Leaving” textbox label, the text (150 Char Max) has been added.  If a user enters more than

150 characters, the message “The max length for Reason for Leaving is 150”.


When the user went to the Applicant Roster and attempts to use the search box to find an applicant, no results were

returned.  Change made to search and return any applicant containing the entered characters.

Edit Trips

Edit trips was showing negative values for non-toll miles even thought positive values were entered. Changes made

to properly display the positive values entered for non-toll miles.

Unit Service

User was getting a message “The Date Due is earlier than the Last Completed date.” when using the Edit All function

for a unit.  The system was considering blank Date Due values as “earlier” and falsely showing the message.


Violations were showing on in progress logs.  Changes were made to remove logs that were in progress from the audit

so violations are not shown for in progress logs.

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