Return to Duty
There are two references in the Alcohol & Drug section in the term Return to Duty. The first is the disposition of returning an employee to duty. The second is the test type return to duty. The employee must have a violation test (e.g. Positive) entered before a Return to Duty test type can be used. The two instances the return to duty disposition can be used are:
- For alcohol tests that have a test result of Alcohol Concentration 0.02 or above
- For drug tests that have a negative result and the test type was Return to Duty
If the Return to Duty test is negative and a Returned to Duty Disposition is entered, then the user will be taken to the following screen, Return to Duty Requirements, which will allow the user to setup how many follow-up tests need to be taken.
- Number of Follow-Up Tests Required - Type the number of follow-up tests required by the SAP
- Number of Months to Complete Follow-up Tests - Type the number of months to complete the follow-up tests.
- Notes - Use for any additional information that should be included.
Click Save to record the requirements.