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J. J. Keller Support Center

Reviewing Previous Vehicle Inspections (DVIR) for Android™

After a vehicle is selected for inspection, any prior vehicle inspections reporting defects will be flagged with a text indicator (ie. Not Reviewed, Driver Reviewed, and Resolved)

DVIR Previous 1.png


Once a defect is reported, the defect must be corrected before the DVIR can be certified as complete by the driver. Reporting the defect as corrected can be done by an Encompass® Admin or an Encompass® ELD user.


Encompass® User denotes that corrections have been made to a defect in encompass

Tap on the inspection to review the vehicle inspection.

  1. Inspection Type - Whether the inspection was a pre- or post-trip inspection.
  2. Inspection Date - The date and time of the inspection.
  3. Certified By - The person that is indicating that reported defects have been fixed and now needs driver review.
  4. Certification Date - The date and time in which the person reported the fixes were made (Note: This will always say 12:00AM if the person certifying corrections were made was an Encompass user).
  5. Defects - The defects that were reported on this vehicle inspection (this could contain multiple items)
  6. Corrections Made - Which defects were corrected (this could contain multiple items)
  7. Remarks - Shows any remarks/notes that were written about the inspection.

DVIR Review Prev 1.png


Mobile/ELD user/Driver documents that corrections have been made to a defect

Sometimes, when a driver is completing a DVIR, they find a defect, but are able to remedy the issue right away. For example, they find a blown fuse in the vehicle, they may be able to replace the fuse then and there.


In cases like this, once they submit the DVIR reporting the defect, they can go back into the DVIR and Certify and Submit that the corrections are made and reviewed.  


When they tap on the DVIR reporting the defect, they are brought to the DVIR Review screen which will show the defect(s) reported. Tap the circle next to the defect to fill with a green check. This will mark the defect as corrected. Then, click Certify and Submit when finished.

review empty.png   review corrected.png


After tapping Certify, it will take the user back to the main screen showing any previous DVIRs. The text indicator Resolved will display, noting that the defect has been cleared.

dvir resolved.png



If the Defect is Still Not Resolved

If the driver has indicated that the defect is still not resolved/corrected, the driver can mark the inspection as such. When inside the previous inspection Review page, the driver will click on the name of the defect. (Not the circle next to it; this will mark the defect as corrected.) Then, click Not Resolved.

not resolved defect.pngnot resolved notes.png


The defect will now have the red exclamation next to it, indicating that the defect is not yet resolved. Click Certify and Submit to submit this information.

defect red not resolved.png


The previous inspection screen will now display "Driver Reviewed", indicating that the driver has reviewed the defect and has not yet been fixed.

driver reviewed flag.png