Add Mileage Listings
Mileage listings may be required to be sent with tax reports in some jurisdictions. To add the mileage listing to a fuel tax trip, click Edit Listings at either the top or the bottom of the Edit Trip page.
There will be a line for each trip line from the trip entry screen.
- Date - The trip line date is displayed. If this date is not correct, enter the new date or use the calendar next to the field
- Entry City - Enter the city closest to the entry point of the trip line jurisdiction
- Exit City - Enter the city closest to the exit point of the trip line jurisdiction
- Highways - Enter the major highways operated on in the jurisdiction
- Number of Passengers - Enter the total number of passengers for this trip line (displayed only if the vehicle type for this unit is Charter Bus, or Non Charter Bus)
- Axles - Enter the total number of axles in the combination for this trip line
- Gross Weight - Enter the combined gross weight for the unit on this trip line (maximum weight of vehicle with truck and trailer fully loaded)
Once the details are entered, click Save.