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J. J. Keller Support Center

Encompass Release (01/29/2025)

Area Description Reference ID

When the new grid log entry feature was added, what to do with in progress logs wasn’t accounted for

so the line on the graph would just go to the end of the day even if the day wasn’t complete.  Now the graph

has been changed so that the line on the grid stops at the current time rather than the end of day.


Issue corrected to show the proper On Duty time total next to the grid. Previously, a driver had On Duty time

for a log day and that time wasn’t displayed in the total column to the right of the grid.  Also, for Oilfield logs the

On Duty time was erroneously showing in the Driver Time total and now correctly shows next to On Duty.


Problem tied to an individual customer where the UI doesn’t display all unassigned events in the database. 

This caused the error message “at least one event not found” to be shown.  Now that the event mismatch is

corrected the proper error of “Performing this edit would result in the shortening of drive time” is displayed

which is the expected message.


Corrected an issue where an Encompass user has Units with Unit Type Preventative Maintenance associated

with it for distance or time, then the PMs were not displayed.  A Unit Type that has a Unit Type PM associated

with it should be displayed in the maintenance roster sub-list and have the appropriate highlight if due.


Fixed a problem where the FMCSA PSP Motor Carrier Id field is still required even if "FMCSA PSP - Hiring

Process Background Checks" option is un-checked, so you were unable to save because the Carrier Id field

is hidden, but still requires a value.


Fixed a timing error where enabling FMCSA PSP requires a Motor Carrier ID and the ID has not been saved

prior to trying to enable FMCSA PSP.  The timing issue is fixed so that when enabling Third Party Providers

and toggling on “FMCSA PSP – Hiring Process Background Checks” that the PSP Motor Carrier ID is saved

first and then the PSP properly enable.

Expiration Report

Corrected two issues with the report. The first issue that was improved is the performance of the report was

slow enough in certain companies that after a few minutes the message, “Unable to render paginated report”

would be displayed.  The performance was improved to eliminate the error.  The second issue corrected was

that Checklist items that had data but were turned off for that driver’s job class in the setup did not show.

Employee Attachments

For a few larger accounts, some users were getting a 500 error when going to the Employee Attachments tab.

Unit Performance Roster

Fixed and error with Advanced Filtering in Unit Performance.  When the user tried to select:

•Idle Time (Min)

•Num Occurrences

•Most Recent Hard Brake

•Occurrences Hard Brake

•Most recent over RPM

•Minutes over Threshold

•Most recent over speed

•Minutes over speed.

The user received a 500 Server/Broken Truck error was displayed.

Roster Custom Views

An issue was fixed that caused a saved custom view  to not return any records even though the same filtered

view showed the records prior to saving as a custom view.

Disconnect Driving Email

Several issues corrected.

•The Driver Name and Code were incorrect in the email

•Subject Line of the email showing characters and instead of the Driver Name.

•The 3 links in the email do not function (driver name, disconnected driving start time, disconnected driving start location)

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