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J. J. Keller Support Center

Training Group Management

The Training Group Management area of TMC allows you to view and manage the TMC users who currently have access to your account (including sharing enrollments and reporting), as well as other training groups you have access to. This includes linking your and others’ accounts and requesting access to others’ accounts for enrollment sharing, etc.

*Note: This does NOT mean you are able to log in to each other's accounts.


Go to Learners > Training Group Management.



Give Access to Your Account

To give a user/s access to your account (ie. to share enrollments), click +Link Account. Enter the email address/es of the user/s you want to give access to your account. (They must already have a TMC account.) Click Add.



The other user must accept the addition from their own account. You can see if their acceptance is still pending.


From their account, they will see an option to Accept/Decline the access to the identified account: 


When the other user accepts, you will then be able to distribute enrollments.


Select the amount of enrollments to "give" to the designated account. In this case, 3 enrollments are shared. 


Now, the other user will see they have the designated number of enrollments available to use.



Request Access to Another User's Account

To request access to another user's account, click +Request Access.


Enter the email address for the user. (They must already be a user of TMC.) Click Add.


The other user must accept the request from their own account. This is what they will see:


Once they accept, they can distribute enrollments to you and you can use the reporting tools to pull data from their training groups.

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