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J. J. Keller Support Center

Safety Management Suite API Process

This feature is only available to Teams, Enterprise, and Corporate accounts. 

Our Safety Management Suite API Management Portal ( will allow you to obtain additional information regarding our API products, which includes the option to see a sample request for an API product or request a subscription to an API product.


Requesting an API Product Subscription

Once you have reviewed our API’s and have decided to purchase a subscription to an API, you can navigate to the Products page within the Portal ( to select the API you are interested in. Once you select the specific Product, you can request a subscription to the product. For example, in the screenshot below, the “Company Data” API product is selected.


product select.png

Selecting the “Subscribe” button will prompt a few subsequent processes:

product subscribe button.png

  • You will be prompted to login with your SMS credentials
    • SMS credentials are required here
    • User that logs in does not necessarily need to be an admin, although JJK will confirm that the account is the main contact on the subscription
  • You will also be prompted to create a profile and enter some data (email, first name, last name)

create profile.png

  • Once confirmed, your subscription request will be submitted to J. J. Keller and you will receive a welcome email and a subscription request email
  • J.J. Keller will then review and approve/reject your request.
  • After your subscription has been activated on J. J. Keller's side, you will receive a subscription key, a 32-digit string—this will be available to you anytime under your Profile in the Portal, and will be used later on when configuring the API connection.
    • View of Subscriptions in the User Profile (can be found in the Profile menu)

sub key profile.png



Obtaining an Auth Token

When the user receives their Auth Code, the user will need an Auth Token generated:

  1. Sign in to the Portal.
  2. Select the desired API Product from the Products list.
  3. Select the “Auth” API from the list.

click auth.png

On the GetAuthToken page, click Try It in the top right.


  • Enter your Subscription Key (If you do not know your subscription key, it can be found in the Portal under the Profile menu option)
  • In the Parameters list, enter the following:
    • authCode: The Auth Code that was provided by J. J. Keller
    • Version: This will always be “1”
  • When complete, click Send at the bottom. This will generate your auth token, which will be used for subsequent calls. This auth token expires after 24 hours. Copy this token to later explore SMS features.



Submitting Request for Features Within SMS

After receiving your Auth Token, you can now see requests with your data on the Portal.


Navigate back to the Products page. Select the Product you have subscribed to.


Select the corresponding API in the Product you want to explore (Company Data, as an example)

API Product Comp Data.png


Once selected, you are able to see a variety of functions and features that are available against the API you have chosen. Select a feature, then click Try It on the top right to input parameters and see a sample output.



  • You will need your subscription key and auth token for this.
  • Version will always be "1".
  • A parameter will also need to be added to the Headers section, titled “Authorization”.
    • The value you will input here is “Bearer”, space, then your auth token.
Subscription Key & Version Parameter Header "Authorization" & Auth Token




Click Send when all required fields have been entered.


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