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J. J. Keller Support Center

VT100 Manufacturer and Harness Information

Manufacturer / Model Year / Applicable Harness Type


*Freightliner 2019 - 2020, models M2 106, M2 112, 108 SD and 114 SD, may use the RP 1226.

**Paccar (Peterbilt and Kenworth) – Cab size > 2.1 meters. 2 Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles with 24V supply voltage

1 Light-duty vehicles with 12V supply voltage

2 Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles with 24V supply voltage


OBD-II Harnesses


Light Duty (LD) is for cars, vans, and other LD vehicles. Offers 12V supply voltage. (Such as Light Duty (Type A) harness)

Medium- and heavy-duty is for larger vehicles, including CMVs. Offers 24V supply voltage. (Such as Heavy Duty (Type B) harness)


6-Pin JBus Adapter


9-Pin Heavy-Duty Harness

A 9-pin heavy-duty harness for use in most medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.


14-Pin RP1226 Harness

This harness is for heavy-duty applications and is designed for vehicles | with an RP1226 diagnostic port.



3-wire Hardwire Harness

A three-wire harness that connects to power, ground, and ignition. This harness is used for installation in vehicles where no diagnostic port is available, due to the age or type of vehicle. Not recommended for clients using Encompass® Vehicle Tracking Plus.


Black wire: Ground  |  White wire: Ignition  |  Red wire: Power