Android .192
Area | Description | Reference ID |
Automatically Created Driving | Ensure all automatically generated driving events are locked down so that the start and end times can't be edited | 56721 |
Automatically Created Driving | Do not allow events to be added that would shorten automatically generated driving events | 58031 |
Check Hours | Unhide the "Check Hours" button on the login screen | 65453 |
ELD Hardware | Correct the ELD Device Failure, which caused the ELD icon to turn red on the home screen in certain cases | 61590 |
ELD Hardware | Allow connectivity to the ELD even if the real time clock is not set, by using the mobile app time | 65153 |
Event Creation | Correct the reading history process, so that duplicate events are not read and created | 64374 |
Event Creation | Prevent two duty statuses at the same time, for the same duration, from being recorded | 66572 |
Log Edits | Allow additional edits to be downloaded for a given log, even if the driver has not accepted previous ones for that log | 55457 |
Log Submission | Ensure all unsubmitted logs are sent to Encompass | 61816 |
Log Submission | Ensure AOBRD logs that haven't been submitted, when the driver is converted to the mandate solution, is properly handled, so that the output file is correctly populating the sequence id for ELD events | 63627 |
Roadside Inspection | Provide better messaging/status to drivers for the roadside inspection data transfer | 61812 |
Roadside Inspection | Show the last 14 days of logs on the roadside inspection display, when under the Canadian ruleset at the time of the inspection | 62920 |
Special Driving Categories | Properly handle driving immediately after personal conveyance, to ensure the drive on and off are recorded | 66394 |
Special Driving Categories | Ensure the prompt to end personal conveyance remains on the screen until the driver responds OR the vehicle exceeds the "drive start" speed | 66421 |
Special Driving Categories | Update the grid and roadside inspection display to show off duty well-site as off duty | 66775 |
Special Driving Categories | Update the edit log functionality to properly handle off duty well-site | 66776 |
Special Driving Categories | Display the status "Off Duty - Well Site" in the application, as an option for the driver to select in the duty status listing | 67291 |
Unidentified Events | Prevent claimed unidentified events from showing as a green line on the grid (which indicates the event was edited by the user) | 60781 |
Unidentified Events | SmartAssign functionality included | Various |
Area | Description | Reference ID |
Clocks Screen | Ensure the driving clocks come back up, with a "drive on" event, after the driver had manually ended the previous driving segment | 64850 |
Clocks Screen | Ensure that cycling the engine does not prevent the driving clocks from displaying on the next drive on event | 66099 |