Hazmat EDGE in Compliance Network
Members who purchase the Hazmat EDGE add-on will gain access to premium content related to hazardous materials (hazmat) regulations and compliance. These resources will be especially valuable to those involved in these highly regulated activities. These premium offerings include charts, fact files, how-to guides, visual content, and content explaining hazmat interpretations. Hazmat EDGE also provides content on niche subjects like hazmat air and water guidance.
To access Edge, click the tab in the menu at the top.
If you have more than one Edge add-on, select the Hazmat Edge tab. Click on a card to open up more information related to Environmental content.
Interactive HAZMAT Table
The Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) is the core of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs). It’s used to assign proper shipping names, identification numbers, and hazard classes and divisions for hazardous materials. The HMT also provides references for packaging and handling requirements for all modes of transportation.
Use this interactive HMT to help prepare your hazmat shipments in accordance with the HMR.
Search the Hazardous Materials Table by keyword, letter, or scrolling through the table. Click Details next to a specific hazardous material to view more information.
HAZMAT Resources
View Charts, Fact Files, How-To Guides, Infographics, Interpretations, and RegSense Topics related to HAZMAT. Click on the various cards to open more information.