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J. J. Keller Support Center

VideoProtects Handoff to Support

Issue: VideoProtects handoff from Implementation to Product Support
Effect: Ensuring customer settings are displaying the videos the customer wants to see.

Step 1. 


  • Implementation to work with customer on the cameras, and go over their information on Encompass / Cameras. 
  • Implementation provides them Support Site and the FAQs links. 
  • Implementation Creates a Ticket or emails to inform Video Support that they have completed implementation and that the customer is on Essential so he can remove the Driver Facing. Including customer contact information, so Support is able to email that the current default settings and latest updates have been sent to the cameras.
  • Any configuration Support Tickets should include
    • Trial (Y / N):

    • Camera Model (S / D):

    • Billing Profile:

    • Enable Side Cams (Y/N):

    • Enable Cargo Cam (Y/N):

    • Default Config (All Road Facing Events) (Y/N):

    • Custom Config Settings:


Step 2.


  • Product Support Expectations:
    • We then can make sure to get the default configs are sent to the cameras correctly. FW, Config, and ADAS settings.
    • Ongoing Partnership: Custom configs could come later and or confirm if any further adjustments are needed.

Video Support:

Nathan Kirst
Ryan Schaefer


Backup Support:

Jaymme Tomlinson

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