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J. J. Keller Support Center

How to Read a Motor Vehicle Report (from Encompass MVR Monitoring)

This resource pertains to customers who have purchased J. J. Keller's MVR Monitoring service.   

The following is a sample Motor Vehicle Report as provided by J. J. Keller’s vendor, Samba. This SAMPLE has been designed to help you understand MVRs a little better.


 !  For questions related to the results, content, and/or support of the Motor Vehicle Report itself, please contact Samba Safety:


At the top of each MVR there are details included about the account that placed the order, the date that the order was placed, what record type is being displayed for this driver, and the driver’s personally identifiable information (PII). The record type provided back in the account is determined by the event occurring for the driver. Possible Record Types to be returned include:

  • Annual Report – a report that is sent to SambaSafety for the driver one time each year either on a set date according to the state or, on the same date each year after the original enrollment of the driver into monitoring.
  • Activity Report – a report that appears for a driver when an activity occurs that would cause monitoring to be triggered and a new MVR to be pushed forward for the driver.




The mid-section of the MVR includes the current (and, in some states historic) license information on the driver. Detail on license status, type, and driver-specific endorsements and restrictions will be included here if they apply for the driver and were transmitted to Samba from the state when they provide the data.


The bottom sections lists all applicable driver violations and suspensions that have occurred and the corresponding State and SambaSafety points. The amount of Violation/Suspension detail displayed will depend not only on what the state reported but also on the current standing of the action against the driver in terms of being completed with the court or state (i.e., a blank conviction date may be pending a final conviction date be identified in a hearing for the driver).

If no suspensions or violations have taken place for a driver – the “Violation” and “Suspension” sections will display ***NO ACTIVITY *** or ***NONE TO REPORT***.



  1. Type:  ABS Stands for Abstract
    • VIOL:  Violation Date, date when the violation occurred.
    • CONV:  Conviction Date, the date when the person was convicted either in court or settled in the mail.
  2. ACD:  ACD Codes refer to codes from the AAMVA. They are attached to the Description of the violation (if reported by the State). Each state has a unique set of ACD codes.
    • AVD: These are codes used by (ADR), for the lookup of the ACD code and Description of the violation so that ADR doesn’t need a database of each state.
    • V/C:  Vehicle Code of the violation.
    • DESCRIPTION:  Description of the violation that was given.
    • C (Whether or not it happened in a Commercial vehicle -Yes or No) & the Location:  Location of the County that issued the violation.
    • Ticket: Ticket Number.
    • Plate: Vehicle Plate that obtained the violation.
    • PT:  Number of Points assigned for the violation.

Suspensions/Revocations (if reported by the State):

  1. Actions: Suspension, the suspension on record.
    • Revocation: An Annulment of a suspension or reversal of the act.
    • Withdrawal: The Action of withdrawal of a violation.
    • Restriction:
  2. ORD DATE: Date, the Courts, have ordered the Action.
    • EFF DATE: Date the Violation goes into Effect
    • CLR DATE: Date, the Driver, can apply for reinstatement from the DMV.
    • END DATE: The date the Action ends with the DMV.


If the driver maintains a Medical Certificate (Med Cert) for any reason with the state – information on that certificate will be displayed here. The type of Med Cert will determine what and how much information is reported for the driver. Some Med Cert types are as follows:

  • Non-Excepted Interstate: Operates across State boundaries and is required to maintain a current Medical Certificate
  • Non-Excepted Intrastate: Operates within State boundaries and is required to maintain a current Medical Certificate
  • Excepted Interstate: Operates across State boundaries and is exempt from obtaining a Medical Certificate
  • Excepted Intrastate: Operates within State boundaries and is exempt from obtaining a Medical Certificate



MVRs may be concluded with any Miscellaneous (MISC) notes that have been included by the state for the driver. MISC information may include details on driver correction courses completed, license history, suspensions/activity historic notes, accident information, change in the state of license, etc.

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