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J. J. Keller Support Center

Adding Vehicle Inspections (DVIR) for iPhone®/iPad®

Note: The Driver must be in an On Duty status in order to enter a vehicle inspection (pre-/post-trip DVIR).

For information on handling previous inspections, see Reviewing Previous Vehicle Inspections (DVIR) for iPhone®/iPad®.


Tap the Vehicle Inspection icon on the home screen.



If the driver connects to the ELD, their unit number will already be selected. If the ELD is not connected, or the unit number is incorrect, then select the correct unit number from the dropdown. 

Note: This list contains all active units for the company (Vehicles and Trailers).  If a trailer inspection needs to be completed, simply select the trailer number from the list.

Once the appropriate unit is selected, any previous inspections will be listed under Previous Inspections



Note: If a trailer has not been added to Encompass, a DVIR can still be completed for it. Enter in the trailer number. If the trailer is not found in Encompass, it will indicate it is untracked. Once the driver submits the inspection, it will come into Encompass as an Unassigned DVIR-Towed Unit on the Vehicle Management Home Page under the Unit Maintenance Alerts.

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To add a new inspection, tap the plus sign + in the upper right-hand corner. Select Pre-Trip or Post-Trip depending on which inspection type is needed.





The driver will be taken to the DVIR home screen.

  • The selected Vehicle will be listed at the top with the type of inspection that was selected.
  • A progress bar is shown at the top with the total number of inspection items across all categories.
  • The driver is required to enter the odometer readingNote: If the selected unit for the inspection is a Trailerthe odometer is NOT required.
  • Tap the bubble next to the category name to check all items in the category as satisfactory. Tap the name of the category (ie. General) to view individual inspection items. (See below for further instructions on individual inspection items.)
  • If there are any overall comments that the driver would like to make for this inspection, they can be entered in the remarks section. Remarks regarding individual inspection items are placed on the defect themselves.
  • Once all inspection items are accounted for (they are either marked as complete or marked as defective), the Finish button on the bottom of this screen will become active.



To go through the individual inspection items, tap on the name of the inspection category. In this case, the user would tap on General. As the individual inspection items are reviewed and deemed satisfactory, tap in the bubble to the left of the item to place a green check mark.



If an inspection item needs to be marked as defective, instead of tapping in the bubble to the left of the item, tap on the name of the item itself. It will bring up a Notes field to enter any remarks regarding the defect. You can also take a picture of the defect. Click Add a photo to take a photo or to choose a photo from your device's gallery.

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When finished detailing your defect, click Action in the top right. Then, tap Save.




Once it is saved, it will display a red exclamation (clipboard_ee7281c6e29704dbc3fbd9108468f26ab.png) in the bubble to the left of the inspection item.



Once all items have been marked for this category (either satisfactory or defective), tap the DVIR button in the upper left-hand corner.



The driver will then be taken to the DVIR home screen which shows the main category/categories. If there are any other categories that need to be addressed, tap them to go through the individual items. Once all categories have the "bubbles" to the left of their items filled, the Finish button becomes active in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Enter in any necessary, final Remarks and tap Finish. This will submit the vehicle inspection to the administrator.

inspection finish.jpg



Note: The duration of/time spent doing the inspection is tracked by how long the user stays in the inspection items screen.


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