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J. J. Keller Support Center

Add Trip Permit Listings

Temporary permits that have been purchased can be added to the trip. Some jurisdictions allow you to deduct the miles operated under a temporary permit or take credit for fuel purchases while operating under the permit.


To add this to the fuel tax trip in Encompass, locate the unit by going to Vehicles > Fuel Tax. Click on the unit to open its Trips. 


You can either click the Edit pencil when hovering on the trip line, or click into the Trip # and click Edit next to Trip Information.



From the Edit pop-out screen, click Edit Listings near the bottom, next to Save.


Enter the following information where applicable:

  • Date - Enter the date or use the calendar next to the field to select the date
  • Permit Cost - Enter the fee charged by the jurisdiction for the trip permit
  • Receipt # - Enter the receipt number for the trip permit
  • Tax Fuel - Applies to the jurisdictional fuel tax paid on the trip permit. If a specific tax was not paid, do not enter a value in this field
  • Tax Mileage - Apples to jurisdictional mileage tax paid on the trip permit. If a specific tax was not paid, do not enter a value in this field
  • Apply Fuel - Choose this if the trip permit enabled operations that are assessed a fuel tax
  • Apply Mileage - Choose this if the trip permit enabled operations that are assessed a mileage tax



Click Save when all information is entered.

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